They're finally here! The Foxkeh plush toys!
The adorable plush toy is already a hit in the office.
But, we only have a few prototypes on hand, so we regret to say that the toys can't be delivered to each one of our Foxkeh fans... Could this go into mass production if there's enough public demand?!
As this entry is about the plush toy introduction, we would like to show you how the Foxkeh doll was born.
These rough sketches were drawn to visualize the plush toy. The poses and specifications were discussed using these sketches. The pose we decided on has Foxkeh looking up at us as he sits on a desk.
Orthographic projections of the head and body viewed from the front, side, and above were sketched. Different body parts were drawn from various angles to detail the parts that were not visible in the original rough sketches.
Colored illustrations based on original rough sketches were used to discuss the colors and fabric for the toy. It is difficult to express color gradation in plush toys, so two different illustrations were made, one with the original gradient tail and another with the two colored tail, with the latter to be used for the plush toy design.
The manufacturer picked some sample fabrics and colors to match the colored illustrations. A short fur fabric was used for Foxkeh's body to make him lean, and a long fur fabric was used to emphasize his flaming tail.
Here is the domestic prototype created by a craftsman.
Bell-shaped head! Neck's too thick! Scary looking mouth! Snout is too short! Requests to correct these points were relayed via retouched and red-penned photos so that Foxkeh can look more like our intended design.
After all the corrections were made, an order was placed to the Chinese factory, and here is the final design of the Foxkeh toy!
The snout is longer and the mouth smaller, which makes him look sharper. It is different from the original illustration, but he is one handsome fox. What do you think?
If you see him at events, have some fun with him!
Translations: Estonian
Kon Zakharov 2007/08/13 19:57
So what do I have to do to get one of the flaming-tailed prototypes? Is there a chance? We could provide a very good home in our postgraduate Computer Science lab for one of them.
BUGabundo 2007/08/14 00:53
Can I have one?
I need to make up with my girlfriend. and we all know how girls love kut little furry pets.
Alex 2007/08/14 00:58
D'awwwww I want one!
dafi 2007/08/14 01:11
Pleeeeease leave me adopt it ;-)
fungi 2007/08/14 03:44
i luv it!
me and おもこ would be happy to look after him while you go on holidays!
definitely be happy to buy one of his clones :)
cats 2007/08/14 04:53
oh so cute, please can I have one?
Chengings 2007/08/14 05:00
So cute. Can I buy it?
TsuKata 2007/08/14 08:07
Super kawaii! WANT!!!!
(I will say that I actually like the original domestic prototype a little better, although I see the reasons for the objections to it. Still, I love them both! I want lots of Foxkehs!)
sally maria 2007/08/14 10:27
I love it - I'd definitely love to be able to buy one in the UK.
Jared Spurbeck 2007/08/14 16:42
Aw >.< Did it have to be made in China? There's more and more controversy over that these days, both quality control and human rights violations.
He's cute though. ^.^;
Aku 2007/08/15 02:45
Kya!!!!! I want one of thisss >.< I'm really in love with foxkeh. Please, please, please make them mass production or something(and deliver them overseas).
Or if you are really on the creative commons things, put the sewing pattern for them.
I want one!!!
Chris Meller 2007/08/16 08:05
Hmm... I like some of the original sketches better. He looks like a happier fox in those, and really, why wouldn't he be happy?
Still, he would make an amazing addition to my cubie here at work. There's a huge empty spot right there on top of my computer, just waiting for a lovable little foxkeh to help chase away the blues in this drab environment I spend so many hours in...
Berry 2007/08/16 08:54
it's kawaiiiiiiii, may I get one?
Gingitsune 2007/08/17 07:07
So cute, it burns. n.n
Lanika 2007/08/19 20:23
Ohhhhhhhhh... I want one! There's any chance you gonna sell it and answer to international customers? If I make big sad puppy eyes and ask you pretty please with honey on top of it will you send me one to make me happy here in Brazil? Make a geekette happy!
JustZisGuy 2007/08/20 08:39
Id buy one!
Hmmm, Looking at the prototypes, there has got to be some way to tweak the mouth so it is still smiling without looking all corny. :)
Majken 2007/08/21 12:26
I would pay more if the tail were made out of better quality long fur rather than that fuzzy stuff. Otherwise LOVE him!
Usagi 2007/08/22 14:14
I would kill for one of those. They are so cute!
Phoenix 2007/08/23 00:59
gime gime gime gime gime!
Foxkeh is sooooooooooo cute!
I want to adopt him!
How much for him?
Concord 2007/08/27 16:06
Excellent plush. But his smile looks as if he is rather timid more than happy. I would still buy one regardless.
Cythera 2007/08/29 14:07
Wow, he is cute. I read on the Japanese site (used an translator) that there is a larger version with the height of 160cm, but it seems that the smaller one is cuter.
Cythera 2007/08/29 14:10
Wow, according to the Japanese site (used an translator), there's larger version at the height of 160cm, but I think the smaller one is cuter. I like his current smile.
Ichigo 2007/08/29 23:27
Awww :3 This guy is really cute!
I would kill to get my hands on one of these Plushies!
This beats the pants off of the Official Firefox Logo!
Jini 2007/08/30 08:23
Omg I want these!! Where can I buy this?
Jini 2007/08/30 08:23
I want this! Where can you buy?
Julián Ortega Martínez 2007/08/30 12:44
I loved both versions of the toy, even though I understand the changes and all that...
Gerald 2007/09/03 10:07
It would be totally awesome if Foxsuke plushies can be mass produced!
Valadrem 2007/09/04 07:33
It's beautiful!
Koshi 2007/09/05 14:48
Please have these made. I'll take a dozen!
James 2007/09/06 03:44
He’s definitely extremely cute. If only they could get his trademark smile perfect, he looks a bit upset. I sooo want one for my cube.
Tori's Momma 2007/09/06 17:31
OMG...that's so friggin cute! NEED one!
Tori's Dad 2007/09/07 07:11
I'm going to need one, the kid is going bezerk for one, and momma already put in her order. :-)
Jiin 2007/09/15 00:15
This is simply adorable, I really want one = ( These are not for sale correct?
husni 2007/09/15 06:10
I just got one! Yippi!!
The Serial No. is 007
Principia 2007/09/24 10:49
Oh, wow, I would dearly love to see these cute l'il fellas as the new official Mozilla Firefox plush. Any chance you might work on plushes for Thunderbird and Bugzilla as well?
kisashi 2007/09/29 14:32
urgent to get 2.... if can... i wanna order or get info abt how to buy it. thx !
2007/09/30 23:27
Thank you for creating a blog. I hope you will take frequent moments to let us in the wide world know what you're doing with your time now that you've become famous -- and I hope you became richer, too!
Aly 2007/10/02 10:43
Sooo Cute!!! If they ever go on sale I will buy one, here in Alaska. He would fit in great at my biology university job! How can we spread the word?
Steph 2007/10/04 21:12
Awwwwww soooo cute!!!
I love the second version but I like the smile of the first one a lil better. :D
Brigitte 2007/10/20 19:10
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!
I love plushies PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE sell them
I'd pay any amount... well actually I couldn't afford much... but it being in the market would be a WISE choice I think it looks better without the smile thingy MUST HAVE ONE please????
Brigitte 2007/10/20 19:15
I want one too.... so cute!
fantasai 2007/10/20 21:41
Very cute, but he looks a bit sad. :( If his mouth turned up at the ends like in the sketches I think he'd look happier~
Javs 2007/10/23 07:16
I demand a Foxkeh plush toy. DEMAND.
stargazer79 2007/11/09 17:47
ooh, too cute!! I covet!
kari 2007/11/12 16:27
i luv him..!!!!!! he's so adorable.. so cute
Lolotehe 2007/11/13 21:20
Much covet. Might actually be able to get folks here at work accept Firefox if it's cuuuuute.
Kurifox 2007/11/15 19:09
Aww! if there are enough requests, will there be a Foxkeh plush toy coming soon?
It is so cute and fluffy.. :)
ryukun 2007/11/25 18:00
I wanna one :)
so adorable...
Christine 2007/11/27 20:07
I want one soooo badly!!!! i don't have an e-mail yet... that shall change soon.... i collect foxes and the foxke would totally make all the other foxes jealous!!! PLEASE mass produce them!!
aviva 2007/12/07 09:02
clarissa 2007/12/11 18:03
i want one!!!!! please make this available for everyone! ^____^v
pez 2007/12/18 21:26
Osiris 2007/12/19 01:43
Any chance of version 2.0 with a bigger smile? =D
(I still want one :P)
Jonathan 2008/01/04 02:05
Can't wait to get the Foxkeh plush toy. Hope it'll go to mass production soon.
Anonymous 2008/01/04 13:34
please send me one or at least he pattern
Firebreathing Penguin 2008/01/05 21:51
Very nice! I agree with Osiris - I think Foxkeh looks cuter (and friendlier) with the bigger smile, but still handsome as is. :-)
mEsoL 2008/01/12 18:36
Any news of this product for sale?
Sana 2008/01/18 15:27
かわいい! すごい! すごい! すごい!
Bryan 2008/01/22 06:07
I so want one of those cute Foxkehs, pretty please?
Emmett Hanratty 2008/01/26 06:45
Can someone please contact me about making plush figures for characters we have already created??
Thank you
Gilbert 2008/01/28 16:12
It's soooo cute!! A shirt would be great, also.
Grif 2008/01/29 07:36
I want one! I'd pay $20 for a plushie! x3
Walter Mitty 2008/01/30 05:09
Want! Puhleeze!
Walter Mitty 2008/01/30 05:16
Want! Puhleeze!
Brad "DJ 9-Volt" Paine 2008/01/31 11:52
I would so pay 20 simolians for this wonderful piece of craftmanship.
All lame jokes aside, you should defineatly mass produce these. If you think they are a big hit at the office just imagine what would happen once they are mass produced. I bet these things would sell like hotcakes. I know I would buy one for sure.
My opinion in a Nutshell: Go 4 It
Grant Jarvela 2008/02/02 18:03
Hello, I'd love to know how to get one of the prototye foxkeh? Please let me know. :)
Grant Jarvela 2008/02/02 18:10
Hello, I'd love to know how to get one of the prototye foxkeh? Please let me know. :)
Melissa 2008/02/04 16:44
omg please put these into mass production, I NEED one
Baloo 2008/02/06 03:10
Greetings from Spain!
In our meneame's comunity ( is a Spanish digg clone) we DEMAND this cute plush, but... the Tail... It can be redesigned?
Look at the "meneo" here:
PD: Sorry for my dirty english.
Anonymous 2008/02/06 11:38
hi there
Caity Scholl 2008/02/13 10:56
I want to know where I can get one of these plushies, they are so cute and I love Firefox
Al 2008/02/14 00:00
I heard they're for sale...$900.00 each!
Nick 2008/02/15 07:10
Please sell these. I want to buy a few plus I know tons of people who would buy it. You guys could work something out and sell them through the Mozilla store or something.
Aria 2008/02/16 18:25
Oh, how adorable! I think you could keep the smile without it getting scary if you just keep the mouth small, similar to how it is now, but with a little curve upward added at the end. The original sketch is like that, but then in the prototype, the arc length and radius of the mouth were bigger than in the sketch, so its expression turned out a bit goofy rather than uber-cute.
Teku 2008/02/17 19:01
Thats so cute! Is there a way you can send me one to me? I really would like to have one.
Bruz 2008/02/26 10:04
I really need one of those!!!
BlargDragon 2008/02/26 16:20
I think it's safe to say that if these ever get mass-produced, I'd buy one in a heartbeat.
Neon 2008/02/26 17:31
HOLY CRAP! What do I have to do to get one of those? If these were mass produced, they would make millions.
Foxy 2008/02/28 15:18
Make it like Linux (Pinguin)
I would buy two of the Foxes*g*
D 2008/02/28 16:04
You know I have to say, I like the original better. The big happy grin, the way it was kinda looking up at you all happy and hopeful, like he's just ready to go and help you do stuff, not to mention it makes you just want to pick the little guy up and smoosh him.
So really I dug the old head angle and the smile, but ah well, that's just me.
I think you'll sell a ton.
M 2008/02/28 17:33
I also preferred the larger smile in the original sketches. The final product is very cute though.
B 2008/03/16 01:55
love it, soooooo cute! ^^
Please go into massproduction!
Javier Peña 2008/03/22 18:44
I want Foxkeh plush toy. Where the buy?
Matt 2008/03/26 23:21
OMG he's ADORABLE! I totally want to buy one!!!
roupen mouradian 2008/03/31 09:55
You need to start offering these on the mozilla store! I would buy 1... or 2 if that helps
gimmen 2008/04/17 02:27
so cute, i love it..., I really need one of those for my little cute baby
gimmen 2008/04/17 02:29
*cough* my baby still waiting...please, can i have one?
Dane 2008/04/22 20:41
Oh my! My girlfriend and I would both love to buy a plush foxkeh. What can we do to get one?!
Rever 2008/04/27 18:58
Oh, I'd love to have one!
I think that you'd get a LOT of publicity if you did decide to manufacture them. People would see the cute little foxes, at, say, bookstores or department stores, or even computer stores, and buy the cute little foxes. Perhaps they will become interested in FireFox, and then download it. So, I think it's worth a try-- if there is no publicity (which I highly doubt), then don't worry, you'll have quite a few people that would buy the rest.
Still, it's worth a try. For the sake of Foxkeh's fans, at least sell them on an online store!
Javier Peña 2008/05/20 12:46
When! when! I want a Foxkeh plush.
Another Fan 2008/06/04 18:04
I want one too .... :)
erik 2008/06/09 16:54
I LUVZ IT!! I WANT ONE!! Me & my freind rei-chan could each have one!! How much is it????? : 3
Andrea 2008/06/10 04:21
I want one too! Please make them available at the Mozilla Store!
rosedragon 2008/06/11 18:05
aaahhhh! sooo adorable!
But even if it avaiable at the store, I can't pay the crazy shipping fee.. I'm at Indonesia. :/
Jean 2008/06/15 23:12
Love the Foxkeh plush-- I hope they go into production soon!
Sora-kun 2008/06/21 17:56
So do want a little Foxkeh to cuddle. Please make more for sale in the Mozilla store!
David Biddle 2008/06/24 08:34
Right now there is nothing I want more than one of these. If you send me one I will tell everyone I know about Firefox and Foxkeh
I love it
Darren/Kainz Uk 2008/07/03 04:09
I saw the Foxkeh for the first time on an ArsTechnica link and fell in love with it in seconds. Its so cute! They would be a huge hit if they were ever manufacturered!
The Chexican 2008/07/07 15:29
Want...And I'm apparently not the only one, either...
Colin 2008/07/08 04:23
Definitely would be worth selling I would buy at least 2!
Sym 2008/07/10 06:57
Yeah i would buy 2 if they were made available.
Juliane 2008/07/15 23:39
Are there news about the mass production of this little and cute one?
I want to have one! Now now now now nooooow! :)
Fox Lee 2008/07/18 15:36
I would /definitely/ try to support this if you went into production. He's /crazy/ cute.
John V 2008/07/19 04:12
I would buy. I would even pay ridiculous amounts of money for a few of these.
Ndeni 2008/07/28 10:34
How do I get that beauttiful plush?
Womentos 2008/07/30 11:17
Yes! Get One! Make More! Yes! Mass Produce! Yes! :P
Phil Fox 2008/08/05 14:07
I want 2! of them..hook me up pleaseeeee! lol..thanks!
Matt Smollinger 2008/08/06 12:20
5 please! Cmon when you making them.